1. Murry, Utah
Enough Said
2. Northwest Airlines
Who doesn't check baggage... they are making bank... and they scare the hell out of you when they turn the exit light on when you are landing... and what ever happened to that cute bag of peanuts nope they charge ya now!
3. Obi one the gps
Shes such a big B word! don't yell at me like that and the least you could do was say pleas when you tell me to turn left!
4. Extended stay delux hotel
Um hello the toilet usually needs to flush... and non smoking rooms shouldn't smell like fresh smoke!
5. Out of state tuition
I'm already paying a shit ton of money to go to your damn school and just because I'm not from there you think you can charge me more!
6. People with Small feet
Okay my feet are huge I get that but still I should be able to have the same shoes as other girls but no I get to wear man soes!
7. Cell Phone Salesmen at the Mall
Okay its pretty bad when you know who I am and I know you by name because you ask me the same damn question everytime I walk by and the answer is still the same!!
8.Stupid boys sending mixed signals
Cant ya just grow a pair and let me know how you really feel I mean come on give me something to work with!
9. Stupid girls
Hello How old are we... lets pretend just for a sec that I cared about who did what to who
10.Hotel Towels
I mean really those things are tiny they wouldn't even fit around my 4 year old neice!
I hate all these things too.
I hate a lot sometimes too! I should make a list; did it help you? Write a new list of things you love... I want to know
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