Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Name Is Staley... Carlee Staley Agent DoUbLe [OH] NiNe!!!

My secret agent status has officially been reached!!! A couple nights ago my dearest best friend Whitney and I had the privilege of breaking into my own house!! We had to run to walmart to get some disposable cups and we left in a fit of joy I closed down the garage door and ran under it not even thinking if the front door was locked... well we got back to my house and I quote "OH ShIt!!!... we might be locked out" So i went to the door and sure enough it was locked and sitting on the coffee table were my keys... I didn't need them i wasn't driving, but it didn't occur to me that maybe I would need to get back into the house! I called my dad to ask if he knew if any of the relatives had an extra key to the house and guess what... THEY DIDN'T!!! After repeatedly trying to bust in the door, and that is probably the reason my shoulder and trap muscle hurt, we tried to open the windows from the outside, lift up the garage door, pick the locks, and absolutely nothing was working... this wasn't looking promising!! I remembered I had a couple screw drivers, a leather man, and a flash light in my car... maybe we could figure something out with that. My dad called back and I told him I was just going to bust a window in and he didn't like that idea and said to find the screw on the window and take the window off... UH OKAY!!! So we're looking and not finding and still trying to pick locks... still not making progress! We move to the windows in the back and bam the screws were found took them out but still couldn't get the window out so whit is holding the screw driver and I'm kicking it trying to pry the window loose! And success was reached it moved!! We had officially broke into my own house and I can add that to my resume of tricks!!! From now on my bad ass status can never be denied!!!

Lifes Little Lessons

New quote to live my life by "Sometimes your Knight in Shining Armour is just a Retard in tin foil!" This can be looked at one of two ways... First, the guy that you believed to be perfect turned out to be something far from that. Two, Even though you know you deserve that knight in shining armour you just setter for the retard because he is there at that moment. Recently I have had an encounter with the first example. Just about a year and a half ago one of my friends had me call one of his friends and we started talking on a regular basis. We started sharing details of our lives that you only tell those who are closest to you, I felt so comfortable talking to him. This guy had become the man of my dreams... LITERALLY!!! He made me feel so special and made me feel wanted. Worst of all he made me happy. I became that stupid love sick girl who could see herself spending the rest of her life with this special someone. For a year and a half it was this guy and only him even though he was hundreds of miles away. I couldn't imagine my life without him. A month ago I went to go see him and it was probably the worst trip of my life. This guy that was supposed to be perfect basically blew me off and I spent 90% of my time sitting around in a hotel only to find out when he was taking me to the airport that him and his ex girlfriend were talking about giving it another shot. I never even got a chance!He was everything I ever hoped for and my worst fear came true and I wasn't good enough. This guy that I trusted with everything and believed in had let me down. I jumped hoping to fly and I fell like a rock! I'm really just sick of being the one that takes the chance and puts myself out there and getting hurt... I can't take much more of this! It has been a month and I still think about him all the time... everything I see and everything I do reminds me of him and it takes all I have not to send him a text when something happens because I just want to share it with him. I don't full on bawl my eyes out as much anymore, but every now and then I am reminded and my eyes fill with tears and at least one rolls down my cheek. I'm trying so hard to stay busy but it isn't exactly working in my favor, but I guess we will see what the next few months bring. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer in Evanston

I have officially been home for about a month and I'm not going to lie... I wish I wasn't. Its hard to come back home after you have been on my own for so long and then come home to nothing... No friends, no life, it is just work and those awesome online classes trying to stay on track. I even feel like I need to get another job because I have become so bored. Also that other job will sure come in handy because I think I need to go to California, but it will be quite fantastic :D!!! I guess I will just keep on keepin on until I get those little moments that make me remember that it will be okay. There is only 3 months left then it is back to Ogden, and I can't wait but until then I'm stuck in Evanston to rott to my death at the maverik! Wish me luch :D

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Setting goals is always a good thing. We are tought to set long term goals and short term goals that will help us reach those long term goals. Recently I have set a long term goal slash life ambition. I want to run a marathon. I have never been the track star and running just to run has never really been me. I like running for a purpose such as ball sports. You might be thinking so why in the world does she want to run a marathon. Honestly I couldn't tell ya either, I just want to. I was thinking the other day and said to myself "How many people can say that they ran a marathon before they were 25?" I have ran this by some of my family, no pun intended, and most of them have been pretty supported, other just look at me like I'm nuts! I have recieved some help on designing a running program and I have started my training and I have my first 5k in 6 weeks. I think by doing this I will really find out just how much will power I actually have and also find out a lot about myself! Today I found out that I need to cut about 3 minutes off my mile time if I want to do a 5k in under 30 minutes. I'm really exited to see what I am capeable of. Wish me luck :D

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When it comes to body image you learn in elementary school that you should love your body the way it is. By the time you hit middle school that image is usually shot to hell because of the media and most of all your peers. Then before you know it you are in high school and you see the girls no eating or eating very little becuase they are fat! Boo freaking hoo!!! Well lets just say I have never been one of those girls. I love food and I love the way I am. Most girls hate the way they look and I'm not going to lie there are things I would like to change but until then I'm pretty happy. I would like to thank my dearest grandma for blessing me with what I like to call the tripple threat, The bubble butt, the huge greek birthing hips, and we can't forget the thighs! Recently I have been so in love with my booty that it is not even funny. I even went and tried on pants, I hate trying on pants but let me tell you my butt looked damn good in them. Its just this perfect bubble that is so cute and round. All I can wish for is that other people, mostly young girls can realize that its not normal or even healthy to be a size double 0!!! I want girls to know that its okay to have curves and embrace them and be thankful for the body you have!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Home is where the heart is

I'm not going to lie... I have the best friends a girl could ask for but considering the circumstances some of those friends haven't been the greatest in the last couple of years. I still love my friends but they have reminded me that family is where its at. I have a huge family and I love it... even all the drama... and I can't wait to have my own huge family. I have the best sister in the whole world she makes me laugh so hard and I love every minute I get to spend with her. Even though when we were younger it didn't seem like we would ever get along. Recently I have become so much closer to My cousin Jessica. I know she will take care of me if I ever needed her to. She has basically taken me under her wing and is the acting big sister since mine far away. Going away to college has also brought me closer to another one of my cousins. We were always really close but now that we don't see eachother very often the time we do get to share is just that much greater and as I sit here and think of all the good times we had two of them stick out in my mind... the time I cut all of her curly hair off and the time she suggested we play desk tag and I was severley wounded! I love kesley with everything I have and I'm so glad I have her in my life. Kelsey's younger sister Lindsay and I have gotten closer over the last few years. I will never forget the times we shared with lamo in freshman basketball. Those were some of the funnest times of my life and I wouldn't trade them for the world. So many people have influenced and mad an impact on my life, these are the ones that I just feel so much more recently and I love my family so much and I don't know what I would ever do without them. They are the world to me.