Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When it comes to body image you learn in elementary school that you should love your body the way it is. By the time you hit middle school that image is usually shot to hell because of the media and most of all your peers. Then before you know it you are in high school and you see the girls no eating or eating very little becuase they are fat! Boo freaking hoo!!! Well lets just say I have never been one of those girls. I love food and I love the way I am. Most girls hate the way they look and I'm not going to lie there are things I would like to change but until then I'm pretty happy. I would like to thank my dearest grandma for blessing me with what I like to call the tripple threat, The bubble butt, the huge greek birthing hips, and we can't forget the thighs! Recently I have been so in love with my booty that it is not even funny. I even went and tried on pants, I hate trying on pants but let me tell you my butt looked damn good in them. Its just this perfect bubble that is so cute and round. All I can wish for is that other people, mostly young girls can realize that its not normal or even healthy to be a size double 0!!! I want girls to know that its okay to have curves and embrace them and be thankful for the body you have!


Trizasta said...

Damn I'm a good photographer! Now all you need are the boobs and you're set!!!!!

Carl :D said...

Ha Ha Ha... I think the boobs might be a little to porno site for me!

Anonymous said...

can i have one of your boobs? ps greek birthing hips are awesome!!!

Stormy said...

I have to second the whole perfect bubble butt thing...it's one of my favorite features of your big brother. I've always told him how perfect and round it is! Sorry if that was TMI, but you did bring it up!

Organic Meatbag said...

I used to have a great ass until metabolism caught up to me...yeah, I know, different for a guy, but still!