Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tear Jerker

Okay so one of my best friends mom need a liver transplant and she was put on the list at number 2 and we were stoked finaly things were starting to look up. The hospital got a liver and called the person that was number one and they told the hospital that they couldn't be there in time so they called momma lisa she was about to take the pills and on her way out when they called back and told her that the person before her was going to take it! I was so irate I could harley control myself I was so mad but so sad all at the same time I didn't know if I should cry or punch a whole in my wall. Now momma lisa is super down and isn't positive at all. Then the thought of living organ donation comes to mind. Where if the person matches they would take 60% of their liver and give it to momma lisa because the liver is an organ that after a period of time grows back to full size. I am the same blood type as momma lisa and if the tissue typing is the same I could be that living donor. I think the reason it hits so close to home is because when my brother was 15 he recieved a liver transplant and I guess I feel like its my way of giving back. I'm the only one who really gets it and understand the waiting process. Its so hard to watch momma lisa get so much worse everytime I see her. There hasn't been much talk of me giving her part of my liver but I always still think about it pretty much everyday. I'm most scared to tell my paretns that I have been thinking about this because even though you would think they would understand I'm still so afraid they wouldn't because of some of the risks. I really just don't know what to do and I don't know what to say to Katie to make it seem a little easier.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Funny Stuff Yo!

Okay so this commercial kills me everytime I see it. I can not control myself and I just start laughing so hard! I love the look on his face! I even was flipping through the stations the other day and it came up and I stopped becuase I just had to watch it to get a good laugh!Its a commercial advertising the Marines and yes I agree the marines is not a laughing matter! What makes it so funny is my best friend is in the marines and this commercial is so serious and corny and that just isn't him, he is sacarsic and very hilarious! So it just makes me think why the hell did he join the marines... Its crazy but I still love him!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tiff and Carl's Excelent Adventure!

Wow this weekend was crazy but so amazing all at the same time! On Friday we went to the T.I. and special guests concert which was a blast for sure! and Saturday it was none other than Disney on Ice that was also pretty bomin. To start when I heard that T.I. was coming to Salt Lake I knew I was going no matter what. I love him so much, he is definetly my favorite rapper. People probably don't know that he is very smart and also a very religous man. To prepare for the concert I listened to his newest cd all week and was getting so pumped for Friday night! I can not express how long that day felt. Being at work knowing that I was gonna see probably my favorite person in the whole world in a matter of hours, it killed me. We got to the concert about an hour and a half early becuase we were just so darn excited and couldn't take it anymore. Our seats were pretty amazing, floor seats 14 rows from the stage! Even the guy next to me was pretty good looking and about the second act I leaned over to tiff and I was like yo it smell like weed... sure enough the guys next to us were smokin! and all over the areana you could just see clouds of smoke it was so funny! When the love of my life came on he had like 5 layers on and about the 5th song in he was down to a wifebeater and he even took that off! I can't wait until he gets out of jail to do it all over again, because we all know that he will be writing some amazing songs in that year and one day!

As for disney on ice it's always good to feel like a kid again! I remeber the exact conversation that was had that decided that we were going. I saw a commercial for it and I asked, Tiff can we go to disney on ice and she answered the same way that she always does when I ask if we can do something, I don't see why not so that was that we were going! We parked the car and were walking to energy soulutions areana and she asked if I was as pumped and she was and of course the answer was Hells yeah! We walked in and went straight to the gift shops but do you think they have adult sizes for tshirts yeah thats a negative ghostrider! So we found our seats and enjoyed the show with all the other little kids and their parents and of course the kids at heart!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well here goes... My name is Carlee and the reasoning behind this blog is because i decided to delete my myspace and lasted about 2 days and needed something to occupy my spare time. Also I know a bunch of other people who have blogs so why the hell not...right. I guess I'll start and tell you about me as of now. I'm in my second year of college at Weber State, I and studying to go to Physical Therapy school, I work as a Physical Therapists aide and I love it, it just shows me everyday that I know Physical Therapy is for me! I am living with one of my best friends, we have so much fun and I don't know what I would do without her! I also cant wait until my other best friends are back with me everyday! My socks don't ever match, I love cuddling up on the couch to watch some football, I love sports, I know my stuff, I'm pretty much just flat out a Bad Ass bitch!